Sunday, July 29, 2007

another one bites da dust..........

that's right baltimore lost another police commish, why??? the high murder rate is in the 170's and is a climbing, but fear NOT they are looking for another S-U-C-K-E-R- to take on this job and you are most deffently gonna need rolaids,the little purple bill etc.........etc........etc so if you got what it takes , there is a national search for the next commish in bmore SUCKERS need apply so send your resemes to hisss honor the mayor shelia dixon.


gdahimself said...

To Bmorebamma,
From GDA,

They don't need another sucker. They need an effective leader, if not a hero. This is not a situation that can afford another zero.

This visit is actually an inquiry about an usually silence on the Baltimore front.
I trust all is good with you and no cause for undue concern?


bmorebamma said...

hey gda i was just bening sarcastic. BELIEVE ME i know it's gonna take a plenty to deal with this mess. btw the murder count is 190 and counting.:(